Queenstown Artist & Studio, Angus Watson
Using his preferred medium-watercolour-and concentrating on the figure, Watson explores the joy of playing with colours, of putting one colour beside another and allowing them to bounce off and bleed into each other.
The effects are instant. There are effects that are unexpected, that haven't been thought of.
Although he focuses on figure painting, for Watson the subject is not important - it is something on which to hang the colours.

Angus Watson has been a full time painter since 1988. He sells most of his work from his Littles Road Studio (pictured) near Queenstown in the heart of the South Island of New Zealand.
His work is regularly exhibited throughout the country. Half of his work has sold to overseas customers in more than twenty countries.
To find Angus's studio, from Queenstown, take the Arthurs Point- Arrowtown Road turn right onto Littles Road at the Coronet Peak intersection and look for no:355 and Studio sign.